Monday, January 30, 2006

Bangalore - The Brand

Bangalore - The Brand
In the last few years, the golden goose of Bangalore, IT companies started complaning about Infrastructure issues in the city. At one stage, some of them even mentioned about the possibilty of moving out of the state while evaluating their future expansion plans. With the present Government taking little effort to address the issue, there is a growing concern that they might actually be forced to divert their attention away from Bangalore. But, so far nothing of such magnitude has happened. But the recent turnuot of events might send some jitters. First, it was the IISc attack. City's transition from an IT Soft target for terrorism was a jarring jab in the ribs for many. Second is the actions of the ambitious Gowda family that could well be the killer blow to the City.
Sorry for raising the topic 'India-China' again, but i have no other option. We all have been told that China is fast emerging as a super power. And there are so many reasons attributed to their success story. The only reason i attribute is "Policy stabilty". This is one of the key issue or a pre-requiste for any business to thrive. Nobody wants to wake up to new policy everyday. This is a nightmare, if you are a busniessman. In such situation you are better off doing nothing!
What we lack in India is "Policy stabily", which stems from political instabilty. Every party that comes to power have their own idealogy that is diagonal to one another. This kind of situation leaves a confusion in the minds of entrepreneurs and they look out for different place. With the recent politcal actions, Bangalore might have to face such situation. All those development work that were eventually done by the present government will get halted. All those contracts will be re-tendered and new contracts will be signed. Because the new government does not want to lose out this oppurtunity.
The city's growth has been fuelled by the IT companies for years and if archaic policies of Gowda family were persued relentlessly, then the Golden goose will take its wings to another city.

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